A portion of the initial supply of REX on PulseChain shall be given to the "SAC PHASE" participants.


Why sacrifice PLS tokens?

A sacrifice represents how strong they believe that blockchains are speech and speech is a protected human right.





1) The SAC PHASE happens from REX DAY 1 to REX DAY 28.

2) During SAC PHASE, participants may sacrifice PLS tokens by using the sac() function of the SAC CONTRACT.

3) Use the app ( to sacrifice PLS. Do not use other websites. Don't get scammed!

4) Do not send any tokens to the SAC CONTRACT, directly. Use the app.

5) Minimum SAC per address and per transaction: 100,000 PLS. There is no maximum.
6) Multiple SAC transactions per address are allowed. They accrue.

7) The SAC CONTRACT saves the amounts of incoming PLS for each sending address.

8) 50% of the incoming PLS are forwarded to the SAC ADDRESS.

9) 49% of the incoming PLS are held within the SAC CONTRACT for providing liquidity on REX DAY 22.

10) 1% of the incoming PLS are held within the SAC CONTRACT for giving it to the SAC "high roller" on REX DAY 22.


10) - In other words: "SAC PHASE HIGH-ROLLER"

The account that has sacrificed the most PLS between DAYS 1 and 21 (accrued amount) gets 1% of all sacrificed PLS until then, paid out with the first transaction (on the sac contract) of DAY 22.

After connecting your wallet, the app displays how much you have sacrificed already - and whether you are currently the high-roller.


11) CLAIM:

From REX DAY 29 (when the SAC PHASE is over) until REX DAY 365, SAC PHASE participants may claim liquid REX tokens. Navigate to the web3 app (, connect your wallet and find the "CLAIM FROM SAC" button in your Dashbaord. When claiming, you are making the contract mint liquid REX into your wallet. Add the token to your wallet to make them visible in metamask.


Make sure to claim your liquid REX asap and consider to create REX STAKES immediately - REX pays time!


Check the whitepaper to learn about REX STAKING and earning REX REWARDS.



REX Liquidity creation

The SAC CONTRACT takes care of creating liquidity in the REX-PLS pair.




1) The first (sacrifice) transaction happening on (or after) REX DAY 22 will send liquidity to the LIQUID PAIR (REX-PLS).


2) The sent liquidity consists of 49% of the sacced PLS and 49% of the REX supply given to sacrificers. (The numbers are not fix before DAY 22).


3) After the liquidity has been sent to the pair, REX will be buyable on PulseX and in the app, directly from the pair.


Please be reminded, REX cannot be sold without using the functions of the protocol (staking / liquidity), as it's essentially a time deposit and there are restrictions for selling. Read the preface of the whitepaper to understand how REX works.




While REX is available in the PAIR / PulseX from REX DAY 22, the SAC PHASE still continues until REX DAY 28. So, for receiveing the highest possible amount of REX in this time, a user may want check whether it's cheaper to sacrifice PLS or to buy from the PAIR. Be aware, the price of REX on PulseX will rise (by design) and the price of REX from SAC will also rise (by design: the more PLS are sacrificed, the less REX per PLS will be received).



In case of doubt or uncertainty, please ask questions in our REX telegram main chat.